What Does It Mean To Be A healthy

slapping massage

I had never heard of tapping massage before but was surprised when I first tried it. It was probably the most effective way to work thebergefficiently that I had ever seen. The dysfunctions that are associated with Friedreich’s disease and many other physical conditions can be alleviated through a technique that is smooth, gentle, and effective. I had been suffering from debilitating osteoarthritis in my right knee since 1997 and discontinued the use of NSAIDs and cortisone for two years before reintroducing them to my routine. Changing my lifestyle by eliminating excessive alcohol, and calorie intake limitations and reintroducing green tea, dark chocolate, and avocados (which I love as much as the next person) I was surprised to see how my knee responded. Think back, would you have thought that I was this hardy individual who accepted drastic lifestyle changes? No! I came back. Relaxing my tight joints rekindled my enjoyment of physical activity. It wasn’t long after that I was playing golf again. The lush green grass while playing miniature golf brought back wonderful levels of stored oxygen. I noticed that on each mini golf course I completed, there was always a surplus of gas in my tank. I haven’t played golf in over ten years now and never fuller than a five minute round.

Why did I discover these techniques? Well, it was rather simple. I wanted to be as healthy as I possibly could. I wanted to practice a style of living that would prevent, or at least relieve, the agony that is associated with arthritis. I wanted to be as active as I possibly could. And I discovered that there were certain foods, and herbs, and exact body movements that I could make that changed my state of health dramatically. Over time, I started to incorporate these techniques into my daily life and they have helped me eliminate or at least control the pain that I so frequently create.

I cannot tell you how long you will need to be away from pain in order to discover the perfect technique that will make you whole. However, I can tell you that right now, right this moment, you are more satisfied than you have ever been in your life. You have less pain. You sleep seven hours instead of eight. You are more energetic. . .and you are happier.

Imagine that! You can be whole! You can have amazing energy, creativity, and the ability to reach your goals . . . all because you discovered the fountain of youth. It is completelyis everything you need, and it really does not matter where you came from. The process is the same for all of us, and it starts with a discovery.

“Let there be a ripening of the seed by diligent meditation; let the wheat grow richly; let the milk flow in pure streams; for he who digests shall overflow.”-Proverbs 16:3

Research reveals that we have about thirty days in which we spend ninety percent of our lives. Imagine how much you could improve your health during those days. Do you know that scientists have discovered that most of what we do, what we think, and how we act is dictated by our gut? The gut, oror gut instinct, plays a large role in our health, our happiness, and our personality.

The Proper Function of the Gut

It is intended to be the digestive system’s main function. The gut works by essentially digesting the food that we give it. It takes the undigested food from our gut and manipulates it into smaller food particles. The larger molecules and nutrients found in the food are then transported to the large intestine. It also releases harmful carbohydrates, fat, and enzymes that aid in digestion.

The large intestine is meant to hold the majority of the undigested food and is largely responsible for regulating the amount of water, salt, and other minerals that we absorb through the colon. It also releases much of the digestive acid that is found in the food that we eat.

What Do Digestive Disorders Implicate?

Some of the disorders that stem from digestive disorders are IBS, constipation, diarrhea, celiac disease, some forms of Crohn’s disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. What does this mean for you? I will tell you exactly what an IBS attack is, and what it does, but you have to truly help yourself first before you learn what it is and do not rely on the list of symptoms that the doctor gives you. Every person that has I have treated since the disease has been an IBS attack. IBS is essentially the same for each different person. What are the symptoms that one person and what are?